1990 Jasmin Côte-Rôtie

The ’90 Jasmin is absolutely “a point”. Medium-ruby color, starting to fade a bit on the rim. In true Cote Blonde style, the bacon and allspice perfume is screamin’ LOUD, with a delicate violet counterpoint. There’s a certain green herby streak to it that I find very attractive, a traditional sort of rustic aroma and flavor, well-aligned with a poopy-diaper nuance (“It’s not bad, like smelling your own farts”). The overall texture and flavor balance is terrific, all finesse, and lowish acidity. There’s a definite whiff of smoke on the finish. Definitely not in the Power Rhône category, the Jasmin is sweet seduction. If you got ’em, now’s the time to drink ’em.

SY (3/99)